Fembot on why you don't have a GF

Implying that schizo-hermits didn't experience years of social rejection in high school or even college before, which is the entire reason they did turn into schizo-hermits to begin with.

Dude, the weirdest fucking kid in my high school had a girlfriend for more than a year. And this was a guy who would sp3rg out and unironically act the way people act in greentext stories here. You know why he was successful?

  • He wasn't a fatass (inb4 "but muh genetics") but also wasn't a toothpick (inb4 "but muh genetics")

  • He made a fucking effort to socialize reasonably, it wasn't that difficult to hold a normal-ish (but still a little weird) conversation with him as long as you were willing to give him the time

  • He had basic hygiene covered. Probably could have changed a few simple things to up his game but he was either unaware or didn't care

  • He had enough of a head on him to not do anything that was basically running up the line to being a sex offender / pedo in some weird quest to fulfill his sexual fantasies

The dude fucking tried, worked hard at it despite his "social disadvantages", if you want to call it that. Something 99% of 4chan and this sub aren't willing to do.

/r/4chan Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com