Femcel User Starterpack Was Requested So Here

You're beyond stupid if you think you can be an incel and not be a virgin.

I've never used "femoid" before, quote me if I have.

My problems with you is that you feel the need to insert yourself where you aren't wanted, like most women who come here. We aren't allowed to have a place for just us to come and vent/shitpost without people like you trying to force their way in. There's numerous women only subreddits for you to go to, r/foreveralonewomen would suit you better than here, but that's never good enough for you people. You feel like you're important and that you deserve to be "one of us", but you aren't, you never were and never will be. I'll NEVER understand why women want to invade male spaces so badly. You dont see us trying to force our way into trollx/twoxchromosomes, yet they're always coming here.

Its like "oh I hear these guys hate women, im gonna go be a pain in the ass to them 24/7 because I need attention. How dare those guys talk bad about women online, I won't stand for it"

/r/Braincels Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it