feminazis are just female incels

Sexism and double standard in the justice system: 1) Feminist and associate professor at the Jane Addams College of Social Work at University of Illinois at Chicago, Patricia O'Brien said that we should stop putting women in jail, for anything. 2) Feminist and Judicial College chief Lady Justice Dame Anne Rafferty, said that courts should be slow to send women to prison because jail terms are more damaging to them than men and the new guidance for judges and magistrates says real equality means favouring women and minorities to make up for the disadvantage they suffer. 3) Feminist and member of the Labour Party from the House of Lords Baroness Corston wanted to close U.K. Women’s prisons or to convert them into jails for men. 4) Women's justice taskforce says that women's prison should close 5) Judges have been told to deal less severely with female criminals than men when determining how to sentence them. And that thanks to Dame Laura Cox, a high court judge who led the team writing the rules, and the Supreme Court judge Baroness Hale who said: "It is now well recognised that a misplaced conception of equality has resulted in some very unequal treatment for women and girls." 6) In an HuffPost article, feminist Deborah Coles wants to end female imprisonment because she thinks that prisons are evidently ill-equipped to respond to the complex needs of women 7) Feminist and journalist Lydia Smith wrote an article in which she says It is equality to treat female offenders differently to men and by differently, she means more leniently 8) An other feminist wrote an article titled 'How can we mitigate the crime that is female over-imprisonment?' in which he's justifying why female criminals should have lighyer sentences than men.; and another article in which he says that we should close women's prisons 9) A feminist wrote an article in buzzfeednews complaining how women are imprisoned for false rape claims In the UK 10) An all-female task force wants to cut Illinois’ female prison population in half because they think that 'Prison is not where women need to be' and that many of them are mothers so they shouldn't be in prison 11) In Brooklyn, the Women’s Prison Association and the attorney Charles Hynes decided to launch a program allowing female felons to serve sentences at home.

education and economics: 1) The Swedish government said to be the first feminist government in the world that it would abolish affirmative action at universities since the practice has resulted in male students being given admissions priority for several popular programmes. Hypocrites has no problem helping women when they are disadvantaged, but will quickly cut any help to men when they are the ones who are disadvantaged. 2) The same thig happened in Norway, where the Ministry of Education has concluded, after advice from the Ministry of Children and Equality, that the current equality law is not gender neutral and does not allow for men to benefit from the same forms of affirmative actions as women., thread link 3) After the financial crisis of 2008, feminist groups skewed the Obama stimulus plan towards women's jobs even though the recession was considered a downturn for women but a catastrophe for men

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