'Feminism is cancer': Wildrose on Campus fires communications director over email

If anyone wants to know "who I am" they can be as shallow as you and look at my post history, a tiny portion of my life.

Your post history shows your stated position on multiple topics and is generally good baseline indication on why you might argue the way you do. It also came with the benefit without having to actually engage with your brand of bullshit first-hand. (Something I'm stuck doing now unfortunately)

Or they can talk to me.

Argue the topic or fuck off.

You've made your position clear through numerous replies to other users. I've watched my fellow users bash their heads against this wall with you and will save myself the skull fractures. You've made it clear think that the communications director's opinion was "policed" and that he should have "free expression of ideas" regardless of what is said in their role. Yet you don't seem to grasp that personal opinion doesn't count when you're representing an organization as their communications director.

Given your aversion to what seems like common sense to most (ie: publicly represent your org in a negative way and you get fired) I chose to look past the argument and see what motivated your position. Consider it "Ad Hominem" if you like, but when someone takes a stand that seems indefensible you sometimes want to see what motivated them to take position.

After finding a history of negative comments against feminism, sexuality, genders and other "liberal" topics it's quite clear there's no point in debating. You seem pretty comfortable with your stance against feminism and continue to embolden it through anger.

/r/Edmonton Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca