Feminism is a psyop to destroy women & the family.

Hollywood’s leading ladies love to promote feminism and “stand up for women’s rights” in America as if we were still living in medieval times.

You know the world is bigger than America, right? You know in many countries women don't have even close to a third of the rights they do in America. Celeberity culture fucking sucks, but if they can use their publicity even a little to spread some light on some issues, or even get people to look into doing it themselves, I don't see that as a negative.

And just because the nuclear family is becoming obsolete doesn't mean families are becoming obsolete. You have a highly rigid idea of what a family entails.

I could go on but there's no point in arguing with another man who somehow believes he knows what women are attracted to better than her.

Now kids are thrown in day care where undercover Satanists raise them.

Not sure what koolaid you are drinking. Pace yourself.

/r/C_S_T Thread