"Feminism," say what?

 As defined by Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, feminism is "the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities". However, one should distinguish between equal rights, and equal opportunities, as they describe different concepts.
 When one talks about gender equality of rights, it suggests that men and women should be given the same "outcomes" or outputs; that is, they shall both be given the same resources (money, leisure, nature of work...etc.) and be responsible of the same duties. Equality of opportunity, on the other hand, involves giving all people the same inputs, allowing them to do what they want to do...if they can! An example of equality of opportunity, would be asking a tall and short guy to pick fruits from the same tree. The tall guy would clearly grab more fruits, but this does not mean the act is "unjust" since his potentials allowed him to gain the most out of what was given to him. The same concept should be allowed between men and women. They should both apply for the same jobs, but due to the differences in their abilities, men would be favored in some fields, and women in the others.
 Let us be realistic. Men and women are BORN differently. Genetically, physiologically, and psychologically, there are a lot of differences. This creates a gap between what a woman can do, and what a man can do. This does not mean that a man cannot do the role of a woman, or the opposite; it means he can't do it as good as a woman would. Feminists who say there is nothing preventing a man from raising children at home, should keep in mind that this way of nurturing is present in animals as well. The same applies for men. In nature, the male is the one that protects the family, and it is the one to provide support.
 What I said does not hide the fact that our social system is unjust. I am with feminism, but only the right "type" of it. Arab societies should not prevent women from doing things that would make their lives easier or make them feel more self-established, like driving a car to work, or participating in high political positions. Men should read more about "feminism" to remove the stereotypes associated with it, and women should be more aware of the concept, rather than cheering for it to happen. People should work more on promoting gender equality, in areas that endorse social welfare.
/r/femrhettheoryspring15 Thread