"Feminists don't hate men. But it wouldn't matter if we did", by Jessica Valenti

Fair enough, but if feminists don't create the threads, everyone else isn't likely to.

Are you saying that MRAs, egalitarians or other people don't care about women's issues and wouldn't bother to discuss them on this sub, only feminists would? This sub isn't called "MRA discussion sub", it's called "MRA and feminist debate" sub.

People have been open-minded, but that still doesn't mean they're going to agree with you. The whole point of this subreddit is to step out of the echo chambers we've created and discuss, even debate, these issues.

Of course it doesn't mean people are going to agree with you - but I think when you're arguing with level-headed, rational people, most of the time it's possible to come to mutual conclusions at certain aspects. After all, MRAs and feminists aren't that different to the core - they believe there are differences and in some cases discrimination of how the society treats people according to their gender. Feminists often focus too much on discrimination against women and fail to see discrimination against men, MRAs do the same but with women. If both parties. Frankly, most feminists I see on this sub are a bit different from an average feminist on the internet - quite rational and open-minded and willing to see the points of MRM but want women's issues acknowledged too - many MRAs, not so much, unfortunately.

Yes, this sub should be for debate, not an echo chamber, but it's exactly what it's been devolving into - a MRA echo chamber. I'm sure most MRAs would rather see a MRA echo chamber than a feminist echo chamber but in truth, neither of these are good.

I've only been here for brief time, but I see everyone getting the chance to speak . . . so speak. You can't ask for much more open-minded than this.

Just because somebody is technically allowed to speak, doesn't mean their opinions are equally respected or listened to. MRAs are technically allowed to speak their mind in female-dominated subs on Reddit but that doens't mean they're welcome there. Feminists are also technically allowed to speak their minds on /r/MensRights but it doesn't mean they're welcomed there. Yeah, I'd say this sub brings feminists and MRAs closer than most other places and lets them have a civilized discussion, but beyond the surface it's clear that this sub is dominated by MRAs, most of whom don't really want to debate but only to have their views reinforced - that's why most of the "debate" here can be summed up as "Ok, so feminists say such and such thing is harming women but this is actually it's men who have it worse here because ___, checkmate feminists!" - with few to no feminists to actually participate in threads and present their viewpoints. So it's not debate, only a "let's confirm why feminism is bad!" echo chamber.

/r/FeMRADebates Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com