Feminists flip out when Australian morning show host points out mens issues exist and feminists are sexists

First off I guess I would ask, is there really nothing you think men don't get the better end of?

Why don't you ask the male victims of domestic/sexual abuse, homeless, PTSD suffering war veterans, the physically and mentally disabled, the boys getting beat up by girls with no help, etc?

I have said it multiple times in this sub, but I think it is fair to some degree that women are somewhat "held back" in STEM fields or various other male dominated fields. I don't think it is anywhere near as bad as they say, and I definitely think they go in to find a self-fulfilling prophecy or confirmation bias; but obviously there is always more we can do to emphasize women into fields that men dominate.

What more do you suggest apart from the thousands of scholarship options available for women and the programs encouraging them into STEM?

If you ignore prison stats, I think it is fair to say women are more victim to sexual assault, or at the very least more severe sexual violence. In the same way a man might endure more minor domestic violence, but the woman is more likely to be hospitalized over it.

So what? Why should that have any bearing on who gets support? Because your reasonings are what the DV industry uses to ignore male and boy victims.

Just like there are people who think women can do anything they want to, there are still those who think a womans place is in the kitchen or raising children what have you.

And I'd argue that the latter has barely a smidgen of power and influence on laws and policies than the latter.

I think a lot of it is women have seized this new found power and are choking the life out of it.

And literally choking the hell out of men since they know the law will treat them leniently.

I think men do have to be more open to women into male spaces,

Do you extend the same expectations to women with men in their female spaces?

There is a reason I post in this sub, it's because I believe feminism has overreached and we could do much more together to benefit both groups of people, instead of the "their loss is our gain" mentality that has been springing up more and more.

Third wave feminism is garbage. All about getting people fired and ruining careers over something they find "Misogynistic" and promoting the narrative that women can do no wrong and men are responsible for every world ill under the sun. A lot of the reasonable feminists have abandoned ship. Christina Hoff Sommers, Camilia Paga, Erin Prizzy, Warren Farrell, all don't get jack from the movement and they don't need to.

At the very least it should be a dialogue, and judging by the upvotes your comment got, I am beginning to worry about a victim complex developing. Sometimes I think everyone needs to learn to take it on the chin, or even "man up".

Very disrespectful to the men at the bottom of the wrong who are already taking it on the chin. You do them no favors with your "Man Up" nonsense.

/r/MensRights Thread Parent Link - news.com.au