Feminists of Reddit; What gendered issue sounds like Tumblrism at first, but actually makes a lot of sense when explained properly?

As an anecdote, my mother complained about chronic and severe pains eight times during my childhood.

The first five times, my father and mother agreed that treatment was a good option (finances were tight as a kid), so she went to three different doctors (a general physician and two specialists) who were all female to find that nothing was wrong. Every time it happened, she would see the same doctors, the same doctors who said nothing was wrong.

The sixth, seventh, and eighth times, my father wouldn't agree to sending her to the doctor because the pains were absolutely psychological. Lo and behold, they were psychological. She miraculously stopped having pains after the eight pain when my father didn't think it wise to waste more money on the doctor.

I know most situations aren't like this one, but these sorts of situations should be expunged from the tests and statistics on the matter to make sure it is a fair assessment - otherwise we are getting mad about men not believing their hypochondriac wives, daughters, and female friends for the nth time.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent