Feminists: what is your plan for smashing the patriarchy?

You seem to be conflating radical feminism with gender critical feminism, when in fact there are also explicitly trans inclusive radical feminists, including the one quoted in the OP at the top of this thread, Catherine MacKinnon, who has said:

Male dominant society has defined women as a discrete biological group forever. If this was going to produce liberation, we’d be free.


My basic feeling, with Simone de Beauvoir, is “one is not born, one rather becomes a woman.” How one becomes a woman is not, I think, our job to police, even as everything about that process is worth inquiry and detailed understanding. Having been surrounded by born women who do not identify as women particularly, and reject feminism as having nothing to do with them, it has been inspiring to encounter transwomen who do identify as women, actively oppose violence against women including prostitution (in which those who engage have little choice), and are strong feminists. “Woman” can be, in part, a political identification. To be a woman, one does have to live women’s status. Transwomen are living it, and in my experience bring a valuable perspective on it as well.

and, aside from that, I frankly don't see how your "wait 500 years" can possibly be described as a radical political ideal in any way at all. it sounds at best reformist and at worst completely passive, not to mention pessimistic. even if you think the abolition of patriarchy will take centuries, why describe it as "waiting"? why talk about "gradual change"? why not talk about fighting as hard as we can, struggling for the greatest changes we can make in our lifetimes?

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