I know Fergie probably isn't a Redditor, but just in case she sees this:

I'm friends with some quasi-famous people. Musicians who were on MTV when it still played music, one of my best buddies is in a big reggae band, etc. I'm one degree of separation from David Bowie, we'll say.

Every single one of those people, and the bigger names I have met by extension, just want to be treated like humans. They appreciate the friendly comments and hellos. They don't appreciate having their dinners interrupted for autographs because someone recognized them. They usually don't want hugs from strangers. They have feelings.

They know when they've done a shit job, just as much as they are excited after they do something well. Money can give you freedom, but it can also take it away. They live life just like the rest of us - full of emotions, and you can hurt someone famous with barbed words just as easily as anyone else.

Multiply the nastiness by their fame. If 50 people attacked you with words, it wouldn't feel great. Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Most of us can't even imagine that level of pressure and criticism.

It's already been thoroughly detailed how toxic the internet can be, so I won't go further. I just wish the anonymous collective were a kinder place.

/r/CasualConversation Thread