
About ten years ago, I was at my girlfriend's house and her housemate came home and said "hey do you want to try this psychedelic, DMT?" he got it from a friend who was a chemist who extracted it from pure rain forest bark, it was supposed to be like a ten minute intense shroom trip and then you were back to normal. He ha done it, he described it, I trusted the guy so I said yeah.

I smoked a good amount of pure white crystals sitting on a bed of dried parsley. The smoke was very unique in taste, I took a huge lungful and then the world pretty quickly disintegrated into sound and light. At one point I kind of came back towards this regular consciousness and physical body, but it felt like some very advanced consciousness was holding me back a few feet beneath my body. I saw this 8 dimensional aztec crystal formation made out of light that cycled vertically downwards, very similar to the black liquid spikes falling down that bolt, but the pattern was colorful and luminous. And it recycled itself. As soon as a spike (which was a unit of information expressed in an advanced language composed of light vibrations encoded into color and direction, and it was fractal, a thousand aztec characters multiplexed into one chunk of data) hit the bottom, it reappeared at the top, in a loop. Over and over.

And all that information was a math question that I had to answer, an equation in 8 dimensional aztec light calculus. Until then I was trapped, and I had slipped sideways out of the stream of time, so I had eternity to work on figuring out the language, but then shortly afterwards I came back to full consciousness and I thought I had pissed my pants, I kept walking around in circles feeling my crotch saying "did I pee my pants? I peed my pants didn't I.. " and my girlfriend was being nice not to laugh because she could see I was feeling strange. a bit later and I could tell that I was fine and I hadn't pissed myself.

/r/gifs Thread Link - i.imgur.com