The fetishisation of work is making us miserable. Let’s learn to live again

I don't get the modern workplace. I'm self-employed and I mostly do 6 hour days without any commute. I've gone to a few interviews recently and I feel like I'm on crazy pills when I'm there.

It seems like their main job is talking about how good they are at business while being cripplingly inefficient and out-of-touch. Nobody seems to be trained to do anything because it's not their job to be and they all confuse self-flagellation with working hard.

Most of the potential bosses I've met seem to be extreme narcissists that are constantly looking for cute schemes to improve the workplace in place of actually doing work.

I couldn't even figure out why I'd need to be in the stuffy little office for the work they wanted me to do. Nor why I needed to wear a suit and fucking tie and have endless meetings which are 50% silly jokes and eating biscuits and 50% talking about the things you're totally going to do later.

To me it feels like they're trying to re-create businesses they've seen on TV. Which results in them eating stale sandwiches over their computer for lunch and daydreaming of getting home so they can take a proper shit.

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