Fetishist women of reddit, what fetish is really, really hard to find in men?

With the prevalence of BDSM in pop culture over the last few years (as far as that sort of stuff goes) and a fucking massive free community site have combined to attract a lot of men who think the D/S lifestyle is just an excuse to beat women “with permission.”

I see it A LOT. At every munch and party there’s always at least one. You can pick them out in clubs from a mile away, and they only visit the same events a few times before they move on or out.

10 years ago these guys would just have been beating women behind closed doors. Now they have a community that encourages it within certain contexts.

It’s unacceptable, and some sub women are uncomfortable drawing the line properly. There needs to be a lot more education about what are healthy dom/sub dynamic and behaviours and what’s abuse masquerading as fetish.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent