Feudal Friday : April 19 2019

Started an After the End game as the Huelcalpixqic (Duke) Tgir of Oaxaca, with the plan of creating the kingdom of Zapoteca and making Sol Invicta the main religion of Central America.

In 2666, while doing a visiom quest, Tgir saw his anscestors, a wasteland were a boy and a man walked, and finally many children who looked like him playing happily. He interpreted the visions that a time of great suffering was coming, but his line would endure. Tgir decided to prepare for this future, losing Craven in exchange of becoming Deceitful.

Three years later, while he was away, raiding Mexico, Mixteca, Olmeca and other lands for the money to improve his armies and lands, a landslide killed his wife Geronima and their daughters, marking the beginning of the troubles.

He decided to marry a woman called Nahualt, from the distant kingdom of San Luís Potosí. But during the wedding feast, Milk, the wife of one of his Calpixquics (Counts) stole all chances poor Nahualt had to conquer her husband.

Tgir started writing for to Milk, and while she refused to return his affections, she adored his poems. This state of affairs lasted for a year, until Goku, Milk's husband, invited his liege for a feast and a great hunt. Milk and Tgir spent the whole feast trading shy glances. During the hunt, Milk was attacked by a jaguar, and Tgir saved her in exchange of his arm. Now they are having an affair. I wonder if Milk will be a grace or another source of pain for Tgir and the Oaxaca.

/r/CrusaderKings Thread