A few newbie questions if you don't mind

Eventually, you can get potions in AoM that reset your attributes, so it's not a permanent fail if you spend them wrong.

Oh, shit. That's good to know. I just assumed that like TQ, attributes would be permanent.

Hit escape.

I mean, yes but... I've got hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of muscle memory for hitting space to do that so hitting escape is more difficult than it sounds.

Steam Cloud Save is very reliable as long as you give Steam a chance to sync after each play session. Make sure you fully exit the game each time you're done playing. After that, wait for Steam to finish syncing the cloud save files before you close Steam or shut down the computer.


The weekly Q&A thread is the main spot. It just hasn't run in a while due to FG hype and other stuff going on.

Got it. Will keep an eye out for it if I have more questions.

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