A few questions for NEETs who are currently in relationships

I've been NEET for just over 4 years now, It started with a couple of stints in a psychiatric ward and my mental health has been pretty debilitating since then. I met my partner about 2 and a half years ago. I met her through a mutual friend's Facebook page, it turned out that she lived about five minutes from me, I invited her over and she's still here to this day. I used to have pretty serious drug and alcohol problems (tea total now apart from the odd spliff) to the point that I don't even remember the first few months of our relationship. For some reason, she's stuck by me so life together now is pretty easy, the only obstacle we face is having absolutely nothing to do together. We both have pretty awful anxiety problems so being sat at home together a lot doesn't bother us as much as it should. We have plenty of board / card / Steam games to play together when the monotony becomes too much. A usual day involves us sat on our respective laptops whilst our desktop loops TV shows, movies or music through the TV. I find that having absolutely nothing to do is a lot easier when you have somebody to do nothing with, be they online or there in person.

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