A few questions from a person just found out about Libertarian

Is this community organized with or without coercion of the state? Private cities comprised of free and privite citizens can do whatever they want since they all agree to the use of force for whatever risk management they want to engage in.

That all changes if someone is forced into the arrangement. At that time it becomes immoral and a violation of natural rights of humans to be free from aggression.

This still all stems from the non-aggression principle. It also stems from deontology and consequentialism. Do you believe that the ends justify the means? If you do, then you don't care about other people's agency and will do whatever in order to create whatever utopian idea you have. If you don't think the ends justify the means, you either argue your side of the conversation and both agree or leave people alone.

That's the foundation. Start from there and build a society. Government thinks violating people's free will (the means) and instituting "law and order" (justify the ends)

/r/GoldandBlack Thread Parent