A few questions regarding genetically modified organisms...

I'm sorry if I don't get to all of your points here, but if there is one thing that I want to get across in this comment it is that the technology behind GMO's is absolutely crucial, and here's why.

Until somebody gets the nerve to tell people that we can no longer have as many children as we want, & decides to regulate the amount of children people are allowed to have, our earth will keep growing in population. As a result, we need more food. These are facts, & we need to find a solution.

In my opinion, the science behind GMOs is the most viable option. They have proven in the field to improve crop yields, deter pests, & survive droughts. These are great things that we, as a scientific community, could capitalize on. We are running out of land available for farming & need to use the land we have as efficiently as possible. That being said...

If we are going to use this technology in a majority of fields around the world, we HAVE TO polish the science behind it & be sure that there is nothing but positive results coming from this technology. Personally, I think we have proven pretty damn well that these are safe to eat & grow in the fields.

In short.. we need to perfect & utilize this technology, & once we have we need to implement it into fields to increase yields in the available farmland that we have.

/r/InsightfulQuestions Thread