A few thoughts

It is a good thing mythologies inspire you, that's their purpose.
It's okay to not believe in gods, it's okay to believe in science, although scientific rigidity struggles to explain why you feel so much better when you go out in nature; it is not the be-all and end-all of life; certainly you realized it and that's why your spiritual quest drove you to this subreddit.

All I can say, is, pagan spiritualities are not dogmatic, there is no rigid and authoritarian hierarchy, no designated leader, no strict rules to follow.
You don't care for gods? Can't settle for Odin or Jupiter? That's okay too. There's more power in this world than gods. Nature and ancestors are powerful and influential spirits, but their not gods in the religious sense (see-all, know-all superior beings); they won't force you to worship them or smite you if you don't. Fear and coercion is something religious authorities do to keep their people in check. Free-will, autonomy and responsibility are central to pagan spiritualities.

So just go out there. Hug a tree, talk to them, meditate at their roots, let them take away your anxieties and share to you their wisdom. Feel the spirits of nature, you are part of them and they are part of you.

/r/paganism Thread