A few words to the community...

What if there was a relic tier that makes it so you can only gain XP for n hours per day:

Relic Can gain XP for XP rate Efficiency
No life 16h/day 5x 100%
Got school 8h/day 7.5x 75%
Got a job 4h/day 15x 50%

That way a nolifer who plays 16h a day gets only 2x more xp than a "lifer", while currently nolifers get 4x more xp than lifers.

Not to punish nolifers, but more to incentivise casuals to join in. The first league is popular, but subsequent ones may get the "I ain't got time for this shit, I'll just watch a streamer do it" response.

Although that does make it so "4h a day" people need 3x less resources to train something like Herblore, but don't get 3x more of actual product like Pray pots for it.

/r/2007scape Thread