Fiancé is depressed, says he'd rather die than suffer at work each day.

Ok, you may have medical marijuana but the only real cure for anxiety is to actually face your fears basically. Exposure therapy and/or Cognitive Behavior Therapy is generally recommended. There's also medication that you could get for the anxiety as opposed to resorting to cannabis. I've heard that medical marijuana can be good for people with debilitating physical pain so in that case, the person might have to take marijuana but other than that, I'd really prefer to stay well away from it. I have actually tried cannabis and each time I tried it, I didn't like it and got a bad reaction to it. I tried it 3 times in total.

Equating marijuana with a crutch for a broken leg is just not the same thing. I knew that I'd get a backlash for saying that I was against cannabis here because reddit seems to be very pro-cannabis. Your argument is basically the equivalent of an alcoholic saying "oh alcohol helps the pain". Yeah, in the short-term it might but what about the long-term? What about the risk of developing an addiction to cannabis? There's been studies done which show that it increases the risk of getting psychosis and schizophrenia especially when there's a family history of mental illness. There's also been research done which indicates that skunk, a particular variety of cannabis, is particularly harmful as it contains higher levels of THC. Basically THC is harmful to the brain. The cannaboids aren't as harmful which is why if someone is going to use cannabis, then they're better off using varieties that have lower levels of THC. That's a possible harm reduction strategy however we still don't fully know the long-term effects of cannabis on the brain and I wouldn't be prepared to take that chance.

I don't think that atvian is the same thing because it's up to the patient to take the medication as prescribed. Doctors monitor the patient's symptoms and only prescribe the lowest dosage possible to alleviate the symptoms. It's not about recreation or getting high off a drug.

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