Is the field of web development becoming saturated?

One of the aspects to web development which I loathe is how money drives and dictactes the trends we see.

Sure, we'll all sit here and stroke eachothers egos by saying we make applications more agile and leaner for the "user" but to what end? Oh, so they keep using our app and make us monies. Or, so I can please venture capitalists in Sillicon Valley by building my new startup idea on this framework which is still in beta so that I can seem cool.

And, just like with many things, the young impressionable developers among us all flock to the new popular ideologies which makes the landscape of web development even more fragmented month by month.

And, while it seems as if being a web developer offers you many paths, most of them are fairly standardized and stuck in their ways. You either become a frontend developer or a backend developer. For frontend, you not only need to know HTML, CSS(+pre-processing), Vanilla JS, jQuery, the recruiters framework flavor of the month (react, angular, etc), you also need to decide if you'll go freelance and compete against 3rd world devs for pennies on the dollar or work in a local sweatshop - I mean "agency".

Or, are you going to go for broke, put all of your ideas into an app and try and get that sweet SValley$? This is the web devs dream though. Living on Twitter, riding a segway around Silicon Valley, tattooing "we develop for the world" on your forehead and making the world a better place while you re-write your app on a new stack for better performance so that people in those 3rd world countries can IM their family 00000.2s faster.

We all suffer from a huge fucking superiority complex, and barely any of us are looking out for one-another or for the industry as a whole. We gladly accept multi-billion dollar-companies as those who literally dictate trends and write new language frameworks for us, while we all lap up the PR bullshit while migrating up to Seattle with our Macbooks and fedoras to dictate to the world why ANGULAR + REACT with RESTFUL API's is what they'd decide if they were REALLY CONCERED with success.

You would like to think that the market has become saturated by shitty WP clone-artists or scammy elance devs, but we're all just at fault here for perpetuating trends, fragmenting technologies as much as we do, and spouting ill-informed ideologies.

Do you know what's funny? /r/web_design and /r/webdev perfectly encapsulate the type of person that I'm talking about. We all pretend to root for open-source technology only up until it can make us money, and then we close ranks and choose our ideology to follow.

/r/webdev Thread