"FIFA22 is dead already" "Content is so dry man" Hear me out..

Okay so I'm one of those that say "content is dry" and I'll explain how I look at it. I play pretty much every day for around 2 to 3 hours. Its not so much that the content sucks, content is alright. Its the way Rivals / champs is set up, once you reach 7/7 wins you are done with Rivals, once you are done your champs and qualifiers (which is easily done after WL) you are done with that as well.

Yes ofcourse the usual "aim for a higher division" but I'm in division 2 close to 1 and I win one lose one and I don't feel like going all tryhard to grind for a higher division. But thats me, I don't speak for anyone else in this matter. Also grinding for a higher division after div 2/1 doesn't really feel all that rewarding. But again thats my opinion.

You are saying they can not cather to those that play alot, but you can also look at it the other way around, why should they cather to only those that play casually? There needs to be a inbetween.

Also the content they drop ain't it. Its just your usual sbc and the 4 objective players you could 'grind' for feel a bit lackluster and not rewarding at all, it was a kluivert, boadu, andre and kruse. I understand people get excited about those players if they are fan of x player but that doesn't mean its a good objective, far from even really because all 4 are far from actually being able to get a upgrade.

But again, all I said is how I look at things. That does not mean everyone looks at it this way. And Its great if people are having fun.

/r/FIFA Thread