The fight against the pandemic is like a religion at this point: lots of rituals that may or may not have anything to do with preventing viral infections

I was just reading an article where someone said that (paraphrasing) "Wearing masks in other countries ended this" and that's why we need mandates for them here. First, I'm not anti-mask. I'm not pro-mask. I'm mask-agnostic. Maybe they help, maybe not, but I haven't seen 1 source of evidence that sways me either way.

BUT back to the comment. It was so blind and myopic. It so clearly came from a place of blind faith and not science research. Look at Japan, look at other places where masks had high compliance before they were even mandated like CA. They still had rises, they still had problems. I get it, correlation doesn't always equate to causation. So maybe there was something else going on in these places. BUT I'm willing to be open about it and look. Not blindly say "THIS IS GOOD/BAD BECAUSE I WAS TOLD SO BY ::fill in acceptable news source::" It's blind faith, and not in science, but in poor journalism masquerading as science.

I also see comments going around with the idea of "Of course I trust science. Because I haven't learned enough, so I have to! I trust the experts" and what bugs me about it is most people who claim this DO NOT. They trust billion dollar news companies. They trust actors and celebrities. They're not reading research. They're not keeping up with science. They see a manipulatively written article making claims and misinterpreting and misreporting science with the caveat that they interviewed an "Expert" and rarely show reliable sources. They trust sensationalized and exaggerated headlines and ignore the parts in these articles that say things like "though none of this is proven, some experts think it will be". Oh that's useful. Then blind faith kicks in and they still fight it as fact.

/r/LockdownSkepticism Thread