This fighter Park Dae-Seung got accused of sexual assault by the ring girl he took a picture with after his last fight (he had his hand around her waist)...NOT this time!!

Females having agency to choose is a relatively new thing on evolutionary scale:

1) The winner isn’t particularly concerned with her opinion.

2) Picking the losing corpse doesn’t result in successful procreation

This isn't remotely true. What you are saying is that it is not commom for females throughout the majority of all human history to be able to choose their mate willingly.

As if all species in all animal kingdoms also did not have this choice.

But more importantly preferring success is not an exclusively feminine trait. Men prefer successful women over women who are failures. What constitutes success is more culturally based than evolutionary

That's not true. Men have never traditionally sought women who had achieved any kind of success, but have only sought qomen who are beautiful.

Where are you getting that from?

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