Figuring out 3d6 and fixed damage

Hello, I am currently making a system where I would like players to deal fixed damage which they can upgrade to deal more per round. The problem currently is that there is no real incentive to do so, it is too expensive.

Players build characters with 100 points, it costs 10 points to raise their STR level (this also applies to range with DEX, but STR here for simplicity) by 1 point. By default, a player has 5 STR and as such, deal 5 damage in melee combat. If an enemy has 25 HP, it takes 5 successful hits to kill it. Quick maths inform us this :

  • Enemy HTP = 25. 25 / 5 = 5. Or 5 hits.
  • Enemy HTP = 25. 25 / 6 = 4.2~ Or 5 hits
  • Enemy HTP = 25. 25 / 7 = 3.6~ Or 4 hits
  • Enemy HTP = 25. 25 / 8 = 3.13~ Or 4 hits.

It takes 20 points to kill an enemy 1 round faster.

Players can use a seperate ENDurance stat to deal extra d6 damage, which is random. Ideally, my system has ranged (DEX) damage being the highest, STR being low, but giving tanking advantage and survivability and INT (for magic) being pure random so magic is more for utility than damage.

Is there a better method of fixed damage?

Edit :

  • HTP /=Hits
  • 25 1 25 25
  • 25 2 12.5 13
  • 25 3 8.333333 9
  • 25 4 6.25 7
  • 25 5 5 5
  • 25 6 4.166667 5
  • 25 7 3.571429 4
  • 25 8 3.125 4
  • 25 9 2.777778 3
  • 25 10 2.5 3
  • 25 11 2.272727 3
  • 25 12 2.083333 3
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