FIL is an NDad and I really need some help

I have suggested therapy but he kind of shrugs it off and says he's 'OK' and he's used to it so its fine, until hes not. I think his dad being the 'mans man' has made him view therapy and talking about his feelings as being 'sissy' and not what men do.

Generally speaking we do regular human dating things, its just sometimes he has some awful periods of being extremely down and depressed and I seriously wonder if he is going to hurt himself. I know a lot of his issues are self esteem related and not feeling good enough.

I want to tread carefully as I do want to make sure he can thrive independently and our relationship is like a 'bonus' instead of being the be all and end all, but I can't force him to therapy and I genuinely have no idea what else would help. I just want to make him see his worth, he has plenty of friends that love him, a good job, we have our own place, our pets are obsessed with him & hes genuinely the best person I have ever met.

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