At the final boss and thinking of dropping the game

LOL, just please stop. Nothing you wrote is deep or profound. You're literally categorizing the OP into a subset of players that don't "get" this game like you do by implying that the community will somehow homogenize in the future. Here's literally what you wrote in another post:

"Give it 3 months.
Most people who rely on the cheese min-max builds are playing Elden Ring for the novelty. Once they’ve beat the game and gotten bored with it, they’ll go back to whatever Fortnite or CoD they were playing before. Or if they play Elden Ring because their favorite streamer does, it won’t be too long until that streamer drops Elden Ring for the newest game release - they’ll drop it then too.
3 months and most of those players will be gone, and the community will be a lot better."

/r/Eldenring Thread Parent