I FINALLY have been able to pinpoint what I hate about my job (soon to be ex-job)

I totally understand. I just went through this myself and got fired last week. I was honestly relieved! Like good riddance. It wasn’t a bad job TBH, I just didn’t quite fit into the “company culture”. It was a smaller family owned place and everybody there seemed to be related or had worked there for manyyy years so I was a total outsider. Plus I’m still new to this state and things are just different here than my home state. Different vibe for sure.

My life is kinda messy right now so I did wayyyyy overshare with a few coworkers who I thought were cool. But I think one turned out to be a snake in the grass and ratted me out for stupid shit. I’m mad at myself for getting myself into that position (over sharing and thinking coworkers are friends when they’re not) but oh well. It’s a lesson learned. I really need to work on that in therapy. It’s a bad habit of mine at jobs.

You will feel so much relief once you’re gone. Trust me. Sorry that happened to you. It fuckin sucks. But don’t get too down on yourself. Hopefully your next job is a better fit and the people aren’t assholes! I found office work to be insufferable personally. I did it for 2.5 years once and ugh never again. Jobs where you can work more independently have always been better for me personally. I loved delivery driving. You only have to be around clients for a short amount of time then you’re back to being alone in your safe space/vehicle and blast music to get thru the day.

Take care and fuck those asshole people!

/r/CPTSD Thread