Finally found the PDF of the new map.. in case anyone hasn’t seen it!

I said this in another thread a long ass time ago but I feel like stops like herald sq are messy like this. For someone just looking at a glance it's not really clear if just the R and B are a connected transfer or if all of them are. Same at Delancey/Essex with the F-M. I understand the desire to stick hard with certain design aesthetics but ultimately a map is meant to be used not just stared at as a beautiful object. And I feel like this one is a bit too strict with its design to be a good wayfinding tool for everyone. A good compromise would have been to have major transfer stations be large black rectangles covering all stopping trains, and for express stops to have white circles in each dot.

Post script: all of the surrounding services- path, metro north, LIRR have been made basically non existent. The path and LIRR one are especially annoying because they could be very integrated in the way people get around in the city as a compliment to the subway. Especially with east side access and Penn access. Making them non existent on the system map is the opposite of what other major cities are doing with their systems

/r/nycrail Thread Link -