We finally got what we've been asking for years

nah, turbo is so different you shouldn't assume anything that works there is good. the thing is some aghs are clearly very good situationally (morph) and if you're experienced on the hero you can maybe get that as a 3rd item or whatever. that's fine. what's really dumb is people not even thinking about what the item does for their hero and still buying it. had this mk in a 5.5k average game that went first item aghs and then halbert because the enemy had ursa. like, your hero does no damage, what is the point of having the aghs. those clones don't do anything if your hero does nothing. but i guess thinking for 2 seconds before making decisions is hard. it was a very easy game too, we were owning at least 2 lanes but all that space went into our pos 1 buying useless items. oh well, at least he went to low prio for it cause i got that sweet message and the reports back after an hour.

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