Finally left an unhappy relationship. Working on finding myself and my style again.

I’m not offended. If you’re going to offer criticisms, do it constructively with mutual respect. Don’t go tearing people down based on your assumptions that are most likely far from correct.

I’m not judging you. Like I said, I used to be same way. As you can see, I still obviously get a kick from sharing MY opinion too, I just try to focus more on spreading positivity and encouragement as opposed to the opposite.

I by no means think you’re a terrible person. At all. You obviously have your reasons for behaving the way you do. Was just trying to make you aware that words, even if they’re anonymously coming from a stranger, can have an impact of someone’s day.

You’re not in control of how other people feel, but if you can try to make people happier as opposed to making them look at something they created with sadness, why wouldn’t you?

That’s all. I love you and I hope you have a good rest of your day.

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