I finally managed to get an awesome photo of me lookin’ like a badass!

Fuck you’re dumb you missed the entire point of my comment. It’s to highlight how fucking stupid you are and how stupid your comments are when you literally have no idea.. Wait but why are you treating me with such disrespect? Telling me to go back to school... why are you not treating my strength with “respect?” Why have you not acknowledged my strength yet? You even said I had no strength like the others! But I’m disabled so don’t I have strength? I thought you were a decent human being like your other comment said?

I am disabled, treat me with respect always, acknowledge my strength, stand up for me against every negative comment, tell every negative commenter to kill themselves and for them to get cancer. Make it your mission. Do it all for me please. Speak for me and stand up for me and all disabled people. You are our protector.

You clearly know all about this “strength” because you yourself is disabled and have experienced the hardships of being disabled. Oh wait

/r/pics Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it