Finally on the Trump Train after watching Al Smith dinner video

I know how you feel. I'm a liberal and have always supported the Democratic Party because I thought they wanted to change the country (and the world) for the better. But the last one month has changed my opinion to the core. The first pivot for me was Clinton Cash. I felt sick after reading that book, especially the Haiti scandal. How can anyone let millions of people suffer and die just for a few bucks?! I believe greed (to an extent) is acceptable but not when it hurts innocent people. And then came the Wikileaks. It exposed the two-faced nature of these politicians who talk about being progressive just to get millennials, minorities and women to vote for them but in reality, all they've done is uplift themselves and their bank balance.

If supporting Trump makes me a Deplorable, then so be it. A brash billionaire who outsmarted the system is better than someone who made their fortune by trampling on innocents.

And, I'd love to see Melania as the First Lady. She's gorgeous.


/r/The_Donald Thread