Finally seeing how sexism at work has affected me...

Yeah, it's kind of sad. I always like to try and include others in the ideas/sketch phases since then I feel like they'll see I value their input, which I do. But inevitably it just ends up in them evaluating my work as if I think I'm showing them a finished product and they just focus on shooting holes in it. All I want to do is engage in the research the way that they do---we all put ideas out on the table, consider them graciously, and the good ideas are made better by discussion. I feel like even when someone puts out an idea I don't agree with I at least ask a clarifying question or two because I assume that if they've misspoken, there really is some underlying truth to the idea they're trying to express. I don't see why others don't give me the same sort of respect. Ah well. Such is life.

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