Finally Watched it. A few questions and sure to have more..

Why did he ever give them the coordinates to NASA if he wanted them to stay.

COOPER: Don't you get it yet, TARS? I brought myself here! We're here to communicate with the 3-dimensional world. We're the bridge! I thought they chose me. They didn't choose me, they chose her.

TARS: For what, Cooper?

COOPER: To save the world!

How did he ever find NASA the first time? If he never found NASA, he would have never been able to get to the black hole to to send the coordinates to NASA in the first place?

This is the 9th time I've posted this answer:

Future humanity created the wormhole and Tesseract to allow present humanity to survive and beget future humanity. Repeat ad infinitum.

"But that doesn't make any se--"

From a strictly linear 4D perspective of time. Interstellar is a movie about higher dimensions, where time works in seemingly paradoxical ways. The events listed above are logically consistent, and form a closed timelike curve consistent with Kip Thorne's work on wormholes.

Every multiple-timeline "theory" about the movie requires inferring who-knows-how many events that are never shown or referenced in the film or any of its supporting material. None of the "theories" agree either, requiring different numbers of contradictory timelines. Finally, none of the film's writers or producers support this "theory" seeing as Kip Thorne models it as a closed timelike curve in The Science of Interstellar.

Can someone explain to me 5 dimensions of space 4 dimensions of space and 1 of time.

1 dimension is a line. We can go forward/back on the line, but nowhere else.

2 dimensions is a plane. We can now go forward/back or left/right. This "new" left/right dimension is perpendicular to the "old" forward/back dimension at all points in the plane.

3 dimensions is a volume. We can now go up/down, forward/back, or left/right. The "new" dimension is perpendicular to both old dimensions at all points in the volume.

3 dimensions of space and 1 of time is our universe. We can freely go up/down, forward/back, or left/right in the spatial dimensions, but can only move towards the future in the time dimension.

4 dimensions of space and 1 of time is the bulk, where "they" live. The new spatial dimension is perpendicular to all previous spatial dimensions at all points in the bulk. Such a space is literally inconceivable to a human brain in any language other than pure mathematics. The brain isn't wired properly to be able to truly visualize a bulk object.

Once you have "the equation" you can just manipulate it?

By unifying general relativity and quantum mechanics, Murph created a "theory of everything" that included all the fundamental forces at all scales, including gravity. This gave mankind the theoretical basis for manipulating gravity, just like Maxwell's equations gave us the theoretical basis for manipulating electromagnetic fields.

/r/interstellar Thread