Finished the league (36/40) and never saw a boss

> does the temp league not feel like standard right now?

Are you joking? Half the time is spent in delve which is a completely different way of playing the game. Some people spend maybe 95% of their time delving by going to low delves where the sulphite cost is like 10-24 and exploring and finding fossils etc.

The boss RNG I can agree with, even though I've found like 10 bosses and I've delved a lot less than most of my friends (got to depth 330 and have barely gone horizontally). The bosses themselves are great since they are actually challenging and interesting to fight and for most builds takes a few tries.

I don't understand why you and a lot of other players feel obligated to get 36 challenges every league if you don't enjoy getting them. Just stop at 24 next time and let players who enjoy working towards 36 over the whole league have their fun. If they just make the challenges super easy so you get 40/40 in like a week, I'd only be playing a few days at league start and wouldn't enjoy PoE as much in the long run. We don't need participation rewards where everyone gets the same things regardless of effort or investment. We don't need the modern mindset of being entitled to everything without even lifting a finger and people (in this case the game) telling you you are special for what you achieved.

I wouldn't mind a compromise of increasing the number of challenges to 60 but making the first 40 easier, but I swear that all these people complaining now will then be complaining about how they can't reach 60. (the right answer is to stop setting your standards so high if you aren't willing to play the game for very long)

/r/pathofexile Thread