Fire Within - A SSB fanfic - Chapter 7

Homosexuals are not killed in the Islamic world based on anything other than ignorance, there's no religious mandate to do anything to them( I am Muslim), certainly not to kill them, that may be a tribal or regional thing, so that's ignorant point number one.

The so called "Islamic fanatics" are literally an investment of foreign, read " western" capital in order to destabilise the region for their own gain. Read up on the history of the extremely well documented and celebrated track record of western powers supporting extremism in the middle East, some names should jump out at you, even if you aren't particularly well read. Ignorant point number two.

It strikes me as extremely biased to in light of the previous point to paint the resistance in the middle as anything less then resistance in any other zones, just because it's a largely Muslim region; I'd assume that they are fighting for the same reason that they've been fighting for decades, and for the same reason other regions are fighting now, for freedom, autonomy, and dignity, and not to keep women as second class citizens. Now you didn't say that outright, but it's very heavily implied and your response only reinforced my opinion.

Women in the middle East are treated poorly in many instances, but I'd argue again that this is a largely cultural/ general backwardness issue, an issue that isn't helped, if I may labor the point, by the west gleefully supporting, and in some instances, outright manufacturing of extremist groups throughout the region. Basically we are getting there, no thanks to you guys; rather in spite of you guys (I'm assuming that you're western here, forgive me if I'm wrong).

Building on that point, there's rampant sexism throughout the region, but don't act like that's unique to us, there's still glaringly obvious gender inequality in the west with anything from pay gaps that you could fly a 747 through, to work place harassment and so forth, so don't act all superior because your women can get their tits out in public while routinely getting financially exploited, it's very hypocritical. Ignorant point number three.

As far as the rights of homosexuals, I don't know of anyone who thinks that all gay people should be killed just because they are gay, in fact there are many openly gay people in most countries in the region. I mean, many people don't actively support gay marriage in the region, but that's a far cry from killing them, don't you think? What's more the west only started accepting it recently, at a time of their convenience, it's supremely arrogant to suddenly act like the beacon of enlightenment and reason for that, and that we all have to keep up with your pace. I mean, look at me, I'm here reading a story with lots of homosexual content, not because I like it but because it's part of the storyline, and that's indicative of many of people's actual opinions, not for or against, just meh. Whatever, you know?

I find it really odd how both the shilvati and the western characters are on the same page about how shitty everything is here, maybe as fellow colonisers and genocide enthusiasts, they agree on a lot of things. But freedom certainly isn't on that list.

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