Firemen form a human shield to protect voters from riot police in Catalunya.

When my appartment caught on fire, I was just shocked at how efficient and kind the average firemen squad can be. Those guys don't fuck around when it comes to helping people and keeping everybody safe. They can be huge assholes on the side and I really wouldnt even give a shit. I'd had so many bad and shitty interactions with cops that I wasn't really expecting out of the firefighters but damn were those guys efficient.

Meanwhile when thieves triggered the alarm system at my parents, the security company managed to locate us a province over and we got a call at the restaurant, drove an hour to get home. We then had to wait for police forces before we could go in. We waited forty minutes, at which point we just decided to leave and come back later. We eventually met the cops in charge of stopping the burglary at the Dunkin Donut, they said they'd get there once they were done eating. Over two hours after the alarm was triggered. We live ten minutes from the station.

This is of course just my personal perspective, so take it with a grain of salt

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