Fireside chat: getting back on the horse.

When I first joined the sub, around the time of the corn law memes, I was drawn in by both the high quality of the r/badeconomics style effortposts along with the prevalence of good memes and pasta (to be fair I came from r/libertarian so almost any memes would look good in comparison to theirs). Now though it feels like a lot of this has been replaced by casual conversation about current events and by complaining about Chapo/T_D/insert-subreddit-of-the-day. I’m not really sure how the mods could go about fixing this. I think the backbone of the subreddit was kind built around a few power users who have since left, which I can’t really blame them for. It’s just an unfortunate reality that most people, myself included, are missing either the time, willpower, or education needed to maintain a high level of discussion, so an “evidence-based” subreddit without a group of dedicated experts facilitating is bound to fall apart. This, combined with the pasta ban that drove off a lot of the shitposters, has kind of killed off a lot of the appeal of the sub for me. I still like it the best out of any political subreddit because this sub is pretty low on murder-y comments compared to the rest of political reddit and because I agree with most of the ideological views that are popular here, but I can definitely see why the DT is dwindling and we aren’t getting nearly as many new members.

/r/neoliberal Thread