Quickly writing this -
This case is very different from regular cases of girls falling for narcissistic men.
Many women have a very messed up idea of how they should be treated in a relationship because their parents or the family they grew up in were dysfunctional. They never got to see a healthy relationship at home so they don’t know what is the benchmark for a decent respectful relationship . Girls like these think that abuse is a part of a woman’s life and this is how it is for everyone in their state or caste or sub-caste or religion.
-Many women come from families where their parents and male relatives are abusive in every which way - emotionally, physically and sexually . If you have spent enough time on 2X, you would have realised how many women would pitch with their own childhood horror stories of abuse every time the topic of abuse comes up: So a lot of these women they grow up to believe this is how life is and this is the fate for every woman. You will be surprised how such thinking transcends every economic class.