First Backflip Of The Season Here In Tignes!

Honestly, 99% of the time at my local when I see someone without a helmet it's because they suck. Not to put it in shitty terms like that, but you seem to be speaking freely so I will as well. Bros I chat with on the lift or friends of friends who go without helmets are pretty much all the same, they're not wearing helmets as if that makes them sucking somehow more of an accomplishment. You say helmets are for cowards? Honestly, nobody I ever ride with rocking a toque does anything impressive. Smoking a joint and pounding beers in the parking lot isn't interesting or impressive, it just covers up the fact that they can't do anything on snow. Same dudes ride 5 times a year and get hurt trying to go too big for their capabilities.

That's a huge generalization, and specific to my mountain, but you can see it in this sub too. For every 1 guy without a helmet doing a backy into some powder there's like 5 kids falling in the park asking, "how can I improve?"

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