First Build Hype- but we ran into a problem

Thank you for your patience. Jesse (5/7/2017, 7:44:20 PM): our US team is offline, i will assist where i can Me (5/7/2017, 7:44:51 PM): Okay, friends told me to contact customer support before I did anything Me (5/7/2017, 7:48:59 PM): What all am I suppose to do? I submitted a ticket and haven't gotten a response and not sure if anything else in the build is affected from the fluid getting out of the tubes Jesse (5/7/2017, 7:49:33 PM): just a second Jesse (5/7/2017, 7:49:55 PM): Jesse (5/7/2017, 7:50:03 PM): please try the following Me (5/7/2017, 7:51:55 PM): No... I'm not questioning if the pump is working. The pump leaked all inside my system. I had anti freeze all over my graphics card ( got in the vents), on the motherboard and so on. Jesse (5/7/2017, 7:54:03 PM): okay, i will need to wait for the US team to assist you Jesse (5/7/2017, 7:54:23 PM): they will only be there from 9am PST Jesse (5/7/2017, 7:56:35 PM): you will have to wait till the liquid dries to test if the GPU is working Me (5/7/2017, 7:57:02 PM): How am I suppose to test my pc without a working cpu cooler? Jesse (5/7/2017, 7:57:13 PM): if you cannot use your own, i would suggest you try a friends Jesse (5/7/2017, 7:58:24 PM): as it will be quicker Jesse (5/7/2017, 7:58:59 PM): just to test to see if it is working Me (5/7/2017, 8:00:30 PM): Friends that game only have consoles or laptops, don't really know how I am suppose to test it in those. And what happens if its broken? Jesse (5/7/2017, 8:01:53 PM): Okay, in that cause i would suggest that you wait for the US team to contact you Jesse (5/7/2017, 8:02:11 PM): i will put in an internal request that says urgent case Jesse (5/7/2017, 8:03:01 PM): they will assist you on how to proceed Me (5/7/2017, 8:04:56 PM): So it will be up at 9am pst? Like This is just a crappy situation to build a pc turn it on only to have a cooler leak over everything. Sorry for being upset but I just spent $1600 and don't want this pump to destroy a large portion of that. Jesse (5/7/2017, 8:07:35 PM): I sympathize sir and apologize for your experience. I would very much like to assist you but I am not stationed in the US region so i am not at liberty to make any promise on behalf of our US team. As it is currently Sunday evening there right now, there isnt much we can do Jesse (5/7/2017, 8:09:35 PM): at this time Jesse (5/7/2017, 8:10:42 PM): from me, sorry i realized i ended before i finished Me (5/7/2017, 8:11:49 PM): I understand I guess I will come back in the morning, thanks for doing what you could. Have a good day/evening/night. Jesse (5/7/2017, 8:12:03 PM): I also personally emailed the team to bring this to there attention Jesse (5/7/2017, 8:12:28 PM): I do apologize for this experience Me (5/7/2017, 8:17:09 PM): Thank you

This is how the support session just went....

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