First custom keeb, all arround for less than $200

everyone in this thread tries to justify boycotting fakes through eThIcS when in reality like you said it is just gatekeepers trying to find a way to dunk on people that are stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to obtaining GMK sets. barrier to entry in this hobby is massive. it can be difficult for newcomers to fathom that spending $150 and waiting almost a year is the norm in this community, if you don’t want to pay aftermarket. someone wanting to dip their toes in the hobby shouldn’t be shamed for dipping their toes in before going for a swim.

since the group buy has long concluded and R2 hasn’t even entered an IC, i would also argue that maintaining ethical consumption practices is an absolutely weak argument. waiting over a year and spending $100 more because it’ll help you sleep better at night? because of all the hills to die on, mechanical keyboard keycaps are the frontier you champion? i don’t buy it.

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