First Free Energy ‘Magnet Motor’ installed in Las Vegas.

The problem with the Infinity SAV sales model is that you buy the generator (you own it) but it can only be installed by the dealer who is also the only person who can start the unit. The generator is equipped with a GPS so it will stop if you move it from installation. Further, if you try to open the screws on the generator it will stop and again only the dealer can start it. I guess they can also stop it for any reason they find.

What this means is that you own something that is fully controlled from Korea. I don't know the legal part of arranging, but there is apparent effort to hide know-how used in this generator. You can consider it as an indicia for both its actual function in the same way, like for its doubting. Anyway, these obstacles would be easy to bypass. Literally nothing prohibits to buy the device by some university and to dissemble it and to publish public report about its actual performance. The cost of this device would be minimal in context of standard scientific grants and common expenses of any physical laboratory.

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