First image of Jared Leto as Morbius

silly, shitty, novelty characters are one thing, but established characters with full backstories, multiple appearances and multiple titles are something else entirely

i mean, okay

so for example, there's the Rob Liefeld creation "Forearm" - an evil mutant who has four arms -

(it's a pun do you get it a play on words get it because he has four arms rob liefeld was the single most popular comics creator of the 90s for fucks sake he made a goddamned fortune off of shit like this)

  • but he doesn't really have much of a personality or any real characterization beyond "he has got four arms".

Asbestos Lady is like that, she was a villain of the week who existed to be a foil for Black Marvel for a single issue and then apparently canonically die of mesothelioma.

that last bit isn't even a joke.

my point is that her shittiness comes from her insanely ill-conceived name and ability set, not from her actual characterization - even /u/urlach3r 's comment about Arm Fall Off Boy - yeah, that was fucking nuts and obviously awful, but he appeared for one page, just long enough to be denied entry into the Legion of Super Heroes. he was meant to be ridiculous, you were meant to laugh at him as a concept.

Morbius is different.

Morbius has a full backstory and personality that drives dozens of stories going back to the 1970s. he shows up often enough that he's a Name - someone who will show up and remind us why he's doing whatever he's doing, but whose existence doesn't have to be explained in a footnote.

when i say Morbius is arguably the worst character in Marvel comics, it is not just because his costumes are stupid as fuck and his name is literally his character's last name (Dr Michael Morbius, who accidentally vampired himself with chemicals), no

i am saying that because his full and complete actual character is the equivalent of a bored teenager doodling cringey angsty super vampires in his history notebook. he's got the personality of every fourteen year old who has ever pretended to be a super psycho badass online.

Morbius is the fucking worst.

and this movie is going to be fucking terrible.

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