Maybe I need to give it another listen (pretty tired from work yesterday) but for some reason I just got bored not even halfway through. Tons of skits, interludes, and talking bits. I know this is his style but looking at a track list that’s almost 20 tracks in length and feeling this sense that it’s already starting to become a chore JUST to get through a project- not a good sign.

I’m definitely giving it a 2nd listen cause I am interested in Lupe’s work since he’s had songs before that I’ve enjoyed. Just seems like a lot to sift through and I don’t really enjoy that from my artists anymore... just give me 10 or so songs that ALL slap and are ALL dense with your lyricism, energy, etc. and we can call it a day. So tired of these hour+ long “concept” albums that always have a phone call interlude with their mama saying “I pROUD OF u”. or some preachy messages at the end and begging of songs as if to tie together some bullshit message they weren’t bothered to flesh out into a song lyrically with production over it.

tldr: I don’t like puzzle piece albums where I have to piece together what fits and what doesn’t. I don’t like skipping annoying interlude tracks, I don’t like blaring horns that are jarring (slave ship interlude), and I don’t like exhaustive track lists.

I’ll give this a second listen with less cynical ears and let you guys know what’s changed.

/r/hiphopheads Thread