The first Legendary: Firefly preview is up

I wasn't going to weigh in on this, but I feel like I have to. I know there's been a LOT of drama in this fandom and I'm really not interested in getting involved in it, but the couple of people that are against the removal seem to think for some reason that it's one evil person doing the reporting and/or making alt accounts and/or manipulating the polls, when that's really not the case. I can obviously only speak for myself, but I'm sure there are a lot of people in my situation. I'm probably by all definitions a lurker - even though I've been here pretty much from the beginning and finally gave up and made an alt to start posting here (albeit very very sporadically) about a year ago. I would post more, but sadly I really can't from my main account, I can't keep it logged in, and it's always a hassle to switch. That said, I read the sub every day, I read fanfic and look at fanart every day still and I think I've contributed to enough discussions to a point where it's not like I'm just here to upvote porn and move on.

I would like people to consider that it's a lot easier to be vocal to defend the OP of the other post from a sort of community/friendship sentiment, than it is to be the antagonistic one and be like 'this doesn't belong here, I don't want to see it and I think it should be gone'. People like me upvoted everyone in the other thread that explained why we think it should be removed. I personally feel like between this thread an the other one they've said everything I wanted to say, but am making this post to show that there are a lot more of us who think the same way.

The one thing I wo I particularly appreciate what the mod team is doing here because the last thing I want is what usually happens and has happened in endless fandoms since the times of message boards and LiveJournal - unclear rules where BNFs and friends of the mods get special treatment.

/r/boardgames Thread Link -