First on CNN: Kamala Harris maneuvers to help 2018 Democrats -- and build a national profile

I'm a white working class male. I've voted Democratic since 2004 (the first election I could vote in), and race never had anything to do with it.

Clinton was not a good candidate, but I voted for her because I believed Trump would be worse. Why was she not a good candidate for me? The Democratic party had got to the point where ALL they ever talked about was women's issues, LGBQT issues, Hispanic/immigration issues, Muslim issues, black issues, and abortion abortion abortion. (Wtf is it with abortion anyway? Why is it so god damn sacred to the Democratic party that it must be applied as a religious purity test to all candidates?) Everyone has issues, but when it comes to white working class males, Democrats (except Sanders) didn't seem to care last election cycle, at all.

Anyway, I'm glad you added men, and white people, as footnotes to your list of aggrieved groups. For several years now the progressive movement has at times seemed downright hostile to white people, and white men in particular. The only problem is white people - even white men - are voters too. I held my nose and voted for Clinton this time, but the data seems to show that nationally, it's not a very sound strategy to pretend that just because white people are relatively better off than many minority groups, and white men may have some advantages over women, that neither particular demographic has issues worth addressing.

Anyway, after seeing Kamala Harris in action in the Senate I'd be happy to vote for her in 2020. She's a real fighter, not a fake fighter like that guy occupying the WH. Same can be said of Adam Schiff and I couldn't imagine a better ticket at this time than Harris/Schiff. But I would implore the DNC: it's time to add white people back into the big tent. And to progressives: stop treating white males like we're the enemy!

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